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Federal Highway Administration (FHA)

The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) is a part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) that specializes in highway transportation.  The FHA was established by the Department of Transportation Act in 1966  and consolidated functions relating to highway transportation formerly vested in the Department of Commerce and the Interstate Commerce Commission.

The functions of the FHA include:

  • administration of federal financial assistance to the states for highway construction;
  • coordination of federal highway policies;
  • administration of miscellaneous programs relating to highway beautification, safety, research, and development; and
  • training for state and local highway department employees and foreign highway officials.


The head of the FHA is the Administrator appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate[i].  The Administrator carries out the duties and powers vested in the secretary of the DOT for highway safety programs, research, and development related to highway design, construction and maintenance, traffic control devices, identification and surveillance of accident locations, and highway-related aspects of pedestrian safety[ii].

The FHA’s major actions are grouped into two programs.  They are:

  • the Federal-aid Highway Program; and
  • the Federal Lands Highway Program.


The Federal-aid Highway Program oversees federal funds used for constructing and maintaining the National Highway System (NHS).  The Federal Lands Highway Program provides highway design and construction services for various federal land-management agencies.  Examples include the Forest Service and the National Park Service.

The NHS was developed by the DOT in cooperation with the states, local officials, and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs).  The NHS provides a safe, modern, and efficient transportation system to the American people.  The NHS includes the Interstate Highway System as well as other roads important to the nation’s economy, defense, and mobility.

Federal Highway Administration

[i] 49 USCS § 104.

[ii] 49 USCS § 104.

Inside Federal Highway Administration (FHA)